2013-2015 Vesak Day Dharma Discourse

For the 2020 Vesak Day, we have uploaded videos of Venerable Fa Liang’s 2016-2019 Vesak day Dharma Discourse on the internet.

With the original intention of sharing the Dharma and for re-learning purpose, we are now uploading the final Vesak day Dharma Discourse from 2013 to 2015. Subsequently, we will be uploading the 2009 Dharma Discourse on the Heart Sutra and share with everyone.

《点灯的功德》31 May 2015

Lamp lighting has always been an indispensable activity during Vesak Day. Venerable Fa Liang took the opportunity to enlighten us on the merits and significance of lamp lighting.

我今灌沐诸如来11 May 2014

Bathing the Buddha is an indispensable activity during Vesak Day. Venerable Fa Liang took the opportunity to enlighten us on the merits and significance of Bathing the Buddha.

放生与素食的功德之反思23 May 2013

Have you ever ponder over the reality that every living creature will die eventually whether or not we release their lives. If so, what are the merits of mercy release ("fang sheng")?
Have you ever wonder: many animals on earth are just fed with grass to survive. Since their diet is much more “vegetarian” than us human beings, does that mean they are accumulating merits every meal?