Venerable Shi Fa Zun received her ordination in 1993.

She studied at the Luminary Buddhist Institute in Taiwan. Later, she obtained a Master’s Degree in Philosophy from the University of Nanjing.

Ven Fa Zun is currently the Secretary of the 22nd Executive Committee of Sagaramudra Buddhist Society. She is the Lecturer for the English Fundamental Dharma Course and also the English editor for the Society’s <Present Journal>.




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法梁法师 - 禅门浴自性佛

About the Instructor

  • 哈达瑜伽 - 美国瑜伽专业联盟200小时认证教师
    Hatha Yoga Teacher 200-hr Yoga Alliance

  • 哈达流动瑜伽 - 英国瑜伽专业联盟200小时认证教师
    Hatha Yoga Flow Teacher 200-hr Yoga Alliance

  • 10余年阴阳瑜伽和舞蹈疗法研习
    Yin Yang Yoga and Freeform Dance-Play Exploration

  • Breadthwork疗法和禅修指导
    Breathwork Therapy and Meditation

  • 6年从事禅法结合瑜伽的教学工作
    Engaged in teaching work combining Zen and yoga for 6 years