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Inspiring personal stories, and practical guidance for navigating life’s challenges with mindfulness and compassion.

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Inspiring personal stories, and practical guidance for navigating life’s challenges with mindfulness and compassion.

Prison Clothes are the Most Beautiful Clothes
MQ33 dharma teaching_2
January 31, 2024
Vol 33
By Venerable Shi Fa Qian
Translated by To Kuo Ling


Prison Clothes are the Most Beautiful Clothes
Staying in a state of mindfulness and contemplating about clothes can serve as a kind of training: to strengthen the right knowledge, but also as an offering to clothes.

1. Prison Clothes are the Most Beautiful Clothes
I once watched a short film: A beautiful woman Xu Niang, because of her insatiable needs, she broke the law and was imprisoned. She ignored the police’s interrogation and spoke a nonsensical sentence instead: The most beautiful clothes I have worn in this life are actually the prison clothes. She used to chase after luxury and splurge blindly, however, her wardrobe is always missing that most luxurious piece. What she did not expect was that later in prison, she would feel strangely safe and at peace, because she had truly realized the true meaning of contentment with minimalism.

The modern city is full of artificial excessive packaging, flashy without substance, thus the need for overdressing. If there is real substance and profoundness, you will feel free letting it stick to your skin, you will walk with confidence, and this is the most beautiful adornment. Xu Niang’s prison clothes kept her free from distractions internally and externally and the prison clothes were her true reflections. Xu Niang is able to reflect with introspection and have awareness. Even though she is in prison, she saw through the illusory nature of her previous luxurious life. This is an alternative meaning to "returning home in glorious clothing".

2. Respect the robe before the man
He who follows the fashion trend thinks he is very fashionable, however, he does not realize that he has become the object of consumption (being consumed), because others are paying attention not to him, but instead to his collection of the so-called "master" brands.

Whether male or female, the idea of "respect the robe before the man" is deeply ingrained, reflecting that people have always retained the yearning for an "aristocratic" way of life, and all this seems to be projected through women. These days, it's not just women who chase after fashion, fashionable men are also a booming consumer market.

Back to the essence of the role of clothing, clothes are meant to cover the body, protect us against cold, sunlight and insect bites. As long as the clothes are presentable, comfortable, without any additional decorations, we will be dressing in our own style naturally.

3. The Emperor’s New Clothes
The flattery of the ministers for the “Emperor’s new clothes” are finally punctured by a small boy. Are the grown-ups more ignorant?

Clothes and people affect each other. Clothing is like a carved mold, and the bodies and minds of the people who put the clothes on will be unintentionally and quietly changed.

The emperor threw away all his clothes and stayed true to his primal desires: greed, ignorance. In fact, it is not true ignorance, but a refusal to look back, why is there a need for this to be revealed by a little boy?

We can fool others, but not ourselves. When you still want to deceive yourself, without shame and clear conscience, that is completely incurable! Therefore, clothes of shame, clothes of endurance and clothes of renouncement, refers more to the mind of clarity.

曾看过一个短片:一位千姿百态的徐娘,因欲壑难填而犯法入狱。她不理会审问她的警察,只丢出一句无厘 头的话:这辈子穿过的最美丽的衣服,竟然是囚衣。她追逐华贵,盲目地奢侈,然而衣柜里永远少了最高贵 的那一件。她没有想到的是,后来在监狱里,她反而感到莫名的安全、宁静,因为她真正体会到少欲知足的 真谛了。

现代都市充满人为的过度包装,华而不实,就是因为无质,才需要盛装。如果真正有实质,有底蕴,让它贴 在你的肌肤上觉得自由自在,充满信心挪移脚步,这本就是最美丽的装束。徐娘所穿的囚服,使她内外都没 有了杂念、是忠于身体的衣物。

徐娘算是能我反躬自省,有觉悟的了,虽然沦为阶下囚,却真正看透了过往的烟雨繁华皆虚幻。这是另类 的“衣锦披身,等待还乡”。

时尚潮流的宠儿,自以为弄能够潮,殊不知却成为大家消费的对象(被消费),因为大家注意的不是他自 己,而是他收集来所谓“大师级”品牌。

无论男女,内心深处潜藏着“先敬罗衣后敬人”的想法,折射出人们一直保留着对“贵族”生活的向往,而这一切 似乎又都通过女士集中地投射出来。现如今,也不只是女士的专利,时髦男士更是一个蓬勃开发的大消费 场。

回到衣的实质作用,蔽体遮羞,御寒防晒叮咬。能得体、舒适,拒绝粉饰,真能这样,自然而然穿出自己的 品味。


衣与人,相互影响着。衣就像是雕刻的模子一般,会让穿上它的人身心在无意中一点一滴地、悄悄地改变。 国王抛弃了所有的衣物,忠于自己流露出的原始欲望:贪婪、无知。实则,不是真正无知,只是拒绝回望, 哪里还需要烦劳小孩来捅破。

我们骗得了别人,骗不了自己。当还想骗自己时,无惭无愧,就是彻底的无药可救了!因此,惭愧衣、忍辱 衣、解脱衣,更多指的是清明的心。

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法梁法师 - 禅门浴自性佛

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  • 哈达瑜伽 - 美国瑜伽专业联盟200小时认证教师
    Hatha Yoga Teacher 200-hr Yoga Alliance

  • 哈达流动瑜伽 - 英国瑜伽专业联盟200小时认证教师
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  • 从事禅法结合瑜伽的教学工作
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