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Present Online


Inspiring personal stories, and practical guidance for navigating life’s challenges with mindfulness and compassion.

Present Online


Inspiring personal stories, and practical guidance for navigating life’s challenges with mindfulness and compassion.

Sleeping with Buddha’s Accompaniment Every Night
January 31, 2024
By Venerable Shi Fa Qian
Translated by To Kuo Ling


Sleeping with Buddha’s Accompaniment Every Night
We can practice while lying down.
Modern life is hectic, so being able to sleep deeply and soundly at night is no longer considered a luxury nor a rare quality of life; but for someone with insomnia, it is lucky not to have to increase the dosage of sleeping pills. Lying awake at night whereas sitting up in the daytime but feeling drowsy, having to rely on cups of coffee to stay awake, that’s how much suffering life is!

Recently, I visited an elderly distant relative in his 90s who was critically ill in bed and was being cared for 24 hours a day by helpers and family members in turn. He would sleep for less than 15 minutes before he woke up and had to be gently patted by his companions. He dared not sleep! Why is that so? Because he is afraid that he will never wake up again. When he sees a visitor, he would shout "Help me! I don't want to die!" This dragged on for three months and his life is flickering like a candle in the wind. At last, the candle ran out and the fire of life was extinguished.

When he is living, he is worried that he could not sleep, and when he is old, he is afraid of not waking up from his sleep; but we spend a third of our life sleeping, and we do so out of necessity. What do we do about it? Let's learn Fu Dashi’s "Sleeping with Buddha’s Accompaniment Every Night” – sleep with Buddha’s accompaniment every night, wake up with Buddha’s accompaniment in the morning, every single day .

Firstly, sleep with Buddha’s accompaniment every night.
In addition to maintaining awareness through daily activities during the day, it is important to maintain awareness even before falling asleep. There are many ways to help us fall asleep, such as the old method of counting sheep, focusing on the breath or on a specific object, repeating mantras or hand gestures, or blink to bring us directly back to awareness, etc. It is a deliberate effort to end the day, put aside our thoughts and simply wait patiently for sleep to come. If we have dreams in our sleep, we can also bring up our awareness and have the ability to stop the dream from continuing, which will ensure a deep, sound, and full sleep.

Secondly, wake up with Buddha’s accompaniment in the morning
When we wake up, the first thing to do is come back to our awareness and then live in our awareness: when we wash up, eat breakfast, study, work, socialize, and last all day until bedtime. Day after day. Thirdly, falling asleep and death.

For the person who is afraid of sleeping, you need to make further efforts to identify the source of the fear and ask yourself: Can I let go? How afraid am I of dying? Is it all right if I die tonight? Have I made peace with my death?

Sleep has been described as "death’s younger brother". Whenever we fall asleep, we can say that we are practicing death. What a valuable experience!

In the same way, practitioners practice not lying down to sleep to maintain awareness because they are afraid of losing their awareness when they fall asleep. Is it the same as the fear of the 90-year-old man? How do we have an unhindered mind and not to have fear?

Fourthly, awake and reborn.
Those who like to sleep and drag getting out of bed should also try to identify the source of their fear. Ask yourself: Am I avoiding daily activities and work, and should I be taking responsibility for that? Am I living in a dream world, afraid to wake up and face reality?

Each waking is a new birth, just like night and death can be frightening. The problem lies in being too extreme, and the solution is to sleep when you should sleep, wake up when you should wake up, keep a balance and let both coexist.

Lying down takes up one third of our life. It is indeed valuable food for cultivation. How can we not explore it well?
现代生活忙碌,一般人睡得沉又香,已经不算奢侈难得的生活品质了,但是对失眠者而言,不用加重安眠药 的剂量却已经是大幸了。夜里卧着睡不着,日间坐着却又昏沉沉,得靠一杯杯咖啡来提神,多么煎熬的生活 呀!

最近探访一位病危卧床的年长远亲,90多岁老人家,24小时有帮佣和家人轮流照顾着。他睡不到15分钟,就 会惊醒,陪伴者得轻轻地拍打来安抚他。他不敢睡呀!这是为什么呢?因为怕睡了就起不来。见到访客就 喊“救救我!我不想死!”如此拖了3个月,像风中摇曳闪烁的微烛,忽明忽暗。最终灯烛耗尽了,生命的火终 于熄了。

活着怕失眠,老时怕一睡不醒;但是,我们一生有三分之一的时间就是在睡觉,而且是出于人类本能的需 求。怎么办?让我们一起来学习傅大士 的“夜夜抱佛眠:每天晚上抱着佛入眠,朝朝一早就与佛一起起床, 天天如此 。

除了白天日常活动能保持觉性之外,就算是入睡前也还是要保持觉性。帮助入睡的方法有很多,如数绵羊的 老方法,专注呼吸或某一点,重复诵咒语或手印,或眨眼直接回来觉性,等等。这么做,纯粹是刻意结束白 日,放下思考,单纯地耐心等待睡神来临。如果睡中有梦,也能提起觉性,有能力不让梦延续,就能确保睡 沉、睡香、睡饱。

当睡醒时,第一件事就是回来觉性,然后活在觉性:洗漱、吃早餐、学习、工作、社交,维持一整天,一直 到就寝。日复一日。

对害怕睡眠者,须要进一步努力找出恐惧的来源,自问:我能放下吗?我有多怕死?我今晚死去,可以吗? 我已经与死亡和解了吗?

睡眠被描述为“死神的弟弟”,每当我们入睡,可以说是在练习死亡,这是多么宝贵的经验呀! 同理,修行人修不倒单,也是害怕因为睡着了而失去觉性。是否与90岁老翁的“怕”一样?怎么才能心无挂 碍,无有恐怖?

嗜睡仍无法起床者,也一样要努力找出恐惧的来源。自问:我在逃避日间的活动和工作,并要为此负起责任 吗?我是否活在梦中世间,害怕醒来面对现实呢?

每一次醒来,都是一次新的诞生,就像夜晚和死亡一样会令人感到害怕。所为问题在于偏向一方,解决之道 在于,该睡就睡,该醒就醒,保持平衡,两者共存。


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