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Inspiring personal stories, and practical guidance for navigating life’s challenges with mindfulness and compassion.

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Inspiring personal stories, and practical guidance for navigating life’s challenges with mindfulness and compassion.

1000-year call of Bagan
2MQ31 DharmaTeaching_01 VFQian
January 31, 2024
By Venerable Shi Fa Qian
Translated by To Kuo Ling


1000-year call of Bagan
We can practice while sitting. This is my personal experience which is divided into four instances below, for discussion with everyone.

1. Over the years, we have heard of cases of sudden death caused by prolonged addiction to video games, and the trend is increasing. If you can sit still with such perseverance, your spiritual practice will be greatly strengthened.

Video games can be exciting and satisfying, just like special drinks with strong tastes, which is very addictive.

Most people are impatient to meditate, because the function of meditation depends on accumulation, satisfaction will not be gained just by sitting down but requires patience to practice, and its characteristic is to sit to cultivate quietness. First of all, we have to suffer pain, and even then there won't be any “auspicious signs” (samadhi state). Even if there are “auspicious signs”, we have to let go of it. We cannot be attached to it, because attachment is contrary to the purpose of enlightenment. So to put it bluntly, meditation is as plain as drinking water, how can it make people addicted to it?

If someone says he likes to practice, it can be assumed that this person is corresponding to greed, and it is impossible for him to gain enlightenment. It turns out that enlightenment means living an ordinary life. Would you accept it? Would you still be willing?

2. I still remember that more than 20 years ago, I finally went to Bagan, the ancient city of Mandalay Province in Myanmar, which had long been cherished as the land of a thousand pagodas. The local tour guide proudly said: "Wherever you point your finger, there are pagodas.” The pagoda symbolizes the inner stability, immobility and fearlessness of the practitioner when he is meditating, and is the manifestation of his attainment.

When we sit cross-legged to meditate, we feel stable, not like the modern bean sofa, which is soft and difficult to sit up in. The practice of walking around the pagoda is the same as that of walking around the bodhi tree. It reminds us to keep a sober mind, let go of our obsession with greed, anger and delusion, and answer the call of Bagan for thousands of years.

3. Sit in prison. Why do we say sit in prison? Sit quietly and reflect on one’s wrongdoings. The purpose of meditation is to form the habit of looking inward. Stay quietly and reflect on what has us firmly trapped, only then can we reflect on the crux of the problem, only then can we make a full confession, regret and will not be in and out of prison.

To reflect on, although we are not in prison because of crime, but some people were shackled by the invisible mental cage, and could not quieten down, this has become a common disease of modern society. Let’s come back to the present and stay quiet for a moment: am I isolating myself in a cage? On the surface, this is a "false proposition", but it can be used to repel all evil tendencies, therefore we can see through our mind, which as sometimes we cannot let go of attachments, it interferes with our progress!

4. A monk asked Master Baizhang: “What is a strange and special event?” The Master replied, "Sitting alone on Mt. Daxiong” (The Master is talking about becoming a Buddha, and that's the strange and special thing. The great male (Daxiong), is the Buddha; the Buddha, is the enlightened one. To be able to sit alone on Mt. Daxiong is to allow awareness to stay independently without relying on any convenient method. Why is this strange and special? The original Mt. Daxiong is not outside, not thousands of miles away to look for; we ourselves are the Ashram, the Mahavira Hall. Mt. Daxiong (awareness) is complete, it’s just that we have not developed the habit of looking inwardly, so we do not perceive it. Lightly blink your eyes and return to mindfulness. Let go of attachments, and you can sit stably on Mt. Daxiong. This is not only answering to the 1000-year call of Bagan, but also to the call of the Buddha under the Bodhi tree.

一、多年来,因为长时间沉迷于电动游戏而猝死的案例常有听闻,而且有不断增加的趋势。如果静坐也能如 此执着,修行功力肯定一日千里加强。


一般人不耐烦静坐,因为静坐的功能靠积累,不讲求一坐下来就产生满足感,而是须要耐心修行,它的特质 就是以坐练静。首先要挨痛,之后也不见得有什么“瑞相”(定境),纵然有“瑞相”出现,也必须放掉,不能执 着,因为执着心本来就与修行解脱的目的相悖。所以说穿了,平淡如喝白开水,静坐怎么会让人上瘾呢?

如果有人说喜欢修行,可以假定此人与贪相应,他是不可能达到解脱的。原来,修行解脱就是过平淡无奇的 生活。你会接受吗?你会甘愿吗?

二、还记得20多年前,终于来到向往已久有着千塔之邦美誉的缅甸曼德勒省古城蒲甘。当地的导游很自豪地 说:你只要随手一指,到处都耸立一座座塔。塔象征修行人静坐时内心稳定、不动、无畏的状态,是修行人 的造诣展现。

当我们盘腿静坐时,感觉四平八稳,而不像现代的“豆”沙发那样,歪七扭八的,如果陷在其中就难以坐直。 修行人绕塔和绕菩提树的作用一样,都是在提醒我们保持清醒的心境,放下对贪、嗔、痴烦恼的执着,遥应 着蒲甘千年的呼唤。

三、坐牢,为什么牢是用来坐的呢?静坐常思己过,静坐的目的是要养成往内看的习惯。静静地呆着,反思 我们会被什么牢牢套住,才能反省问题的症结,才可能忏前愆、悔不二过,就不会进出牢狱了。 反省一下,我们尽管没有因犯罪而身陷牢狱,却有人被无形的心笼桎梏了,那也令人静不下来,成为现代社 会的通病。

且拉回来,稍静片刻:我是否自我孤立于囚笼之中?表面上看,这是一个“伪命题”,却可以用来排斥一切邪 恶倾向,从而看透自己有时也无法舍弃执着心,以致干扰自己前进!

四、有僧人问百丈大师:“什么样才是奇怪又特别的事?”大师说:“独自坐在大雄山。” 大师说的是成佛,那 才是奇怪又特别的事。大雄者,佛也;佛者,觉也。

能独自坐在大雄山,就是能让觉性独立正住,不需要依赖任何方便法门。为什么说这件事奇怪又特别?原来 大雄山不在外,不用千里迢迢往外寻觅;我们自身就是道场,就是大雄宝殿。大雄山(觉性)本来就具足, 只是我们没有养成往内看的习惯,以致未能觉察。

轻轻地眨一下眼,回到觉性上来,放下执着,就能稳坐大雄山。这不单回应蒲甘千年的呼唤,也回应菩提树 下佛陀的呼唤。

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法梁法师 - 禅门浴自性佛

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  • 哈达瑜伽 - 美国瑜伽专业联盟200小时认证教师
    Hatha Yoga Teacher 200-hr Yoga Alliance

  • 哈达流动瑜伽 - 英国瑜伽专业联盟200小时认证教师
    Hatha Yoga Flow Teacher 200-hr Yoga Alliance

  • 10余年阴阳瑜伽和舞蹈疗法研习
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  • Breadthwork疗法和禅修指导
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  • 6年从事禅法结合瑜伽的教学工作
    Engaged in teaching work combining Zen and yoga for 6 years