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Inspiring personal stories, and practical guidance for navigating life’s challenges with mindfulness and compassion.

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Inspiring personal stories, and practical guidance for navigating life’s challenges with mindfulness and compassion.

The Offering of Four Requisites – The Offering of Clothing
MQ33 dharma teaching_1
January 31, 2024
Vol 33
By Venerable Shi Faliang
Translated by Wu Xin


The Offering of Four Requisites - The Offering of Clothing
Editor’s Note
One should consider how to transform from clinging on to the predisposition of judging a person by one's attire, to exploring other aspects which concern the robe of the field of merit, the robe of shame and remorse, and the robe of endurance. The latter involves not only learning about the art of fashion, but is also a major topic of study in Buddhism, including the following that most people could not imagine: the most beautiful clothes is actually the prisoners' clothes!

The offering of four requisites refers to providing the Buddha and the sangha with the four daily essentials, viz. “clothing”, “food”, “lodging” and “medicine”. “Clothing” solves the problems of suffering from the cold and being bitten by mosquitos and insects. “Food” solves the problem of suffering from hunger. “Lodging” solves the problems of suffering from exposure to the elements and attacks by animals. “Medicine” solves the problems of suffering from illness. Through the offering of four requisites, the Buddha and the sangha are able to take care of their physical body, cultivate their practices and propagate the dharma to benefit sentient beings. Therefore, when we carry out the four requisites offering, we are safeguarding the triple gem and Buddhism.

With the above knowledge, we can broaden our understanding on offering of four requisites, as explained in the following paragraphs. Offering is the same as giving. Offering applies when the receiving parties are the triple gem, our elders or our equals; whereas giving applies when the receiving parties are our minors. Besides being a virtue, offering (giving) is also a practice that a practitioner should cultivate. In addition to accumulating blessings in the mundane world, it can also accomplish the supra-mundane wisdom (the paramita of giving). Thus, in performing offering, we should not focus on just “clothing”, “food”, “lodging” and “medicine”, but ought to recognise that in addition to the materialistic offering of wealth, there are also the non-materialistic offering of dharma and the spiritual offering of no-fear, so that we are on the right path towards the accomplishment of the paramita of giving. (Please refer to the write-up on accomplishing the paramita of giving in my book Nothing is Indestructible.)

“Robes”, Civara in Sanskrit, refers to the three regular garments of a monk, viz. Sanghati, Uttarasanga and Antaravasaka, as well as the inner garments, mat, towel, shawl, etc. It is required to dye the Sanghati, Uttarasanga and Antaravasaka into impure colours such as green, black and brown, instead of proper green, yellow, red, white and black colours which are usually worn by the house holders. These impure colours give them the name “Kasaya”, meaning “bad” or “spoilt” colours. Sanghati is a robe with at least nine strips of rectangular patches sewed on it. Hence it is also called a nine-strip robe. Uttarasanga is also a robe but with at least seven rectangular patches sewed on it. Hence it is also called a seven-strip robe. Antaravasaka is a skirt-like robe with at least five rectangular patches sewed on it. Hence it is also called a five-strip robe. Today, the “offering of clothing” of the offering of four requisites generally refers to the offering of Kasaya.

As the sangha are also called “monks of the field of merit”, the Kasaya worn by them are also called the “robes of the field of merit”. As the Kasaya is worn by those who earnestly seek liberation, it is also called the “robe of liberation”. Furthermore, as the Kasaya is sometime made from pieces of cloth used to wrap corpses discarded at the graveyards, or rags disposed of by others, it is also called the “robe of cast-off rags”.

As the Kasaya is used to cover the body to avoid embarrassment, just like having shamefulness and remorsefulness would prevent one from harbouring evil thoughts, it is also called the “robe of shame and remorse”. In addition, as the Kasaya protect one from the sufferings of being bitten by mosquitoes and insects and being exposed to the cold environment, just like the mind of endurance of a practitioner helps him to fend off all external impediments, the Kasaya is also called the “robe of endurance”. The Chapter on Venerable of the Lotus Sutra states, “The robe of the Buddha is the mind of gentleness and endurance.” Based on the minds of shamefulness and endurance, when performing the offering of “clothing”, Buddhist practitioners can practise the following contemplation: “By dignifying the physical bodies of the Buddha and the sangha with ‘clothing’, I wish for the karma of having a dignified physical body; and by relieving the physical bodies of the Buddha and the sangha from the sufferings of being bitten by mosquitoes and insects and being exposed to the cold environment with ‘clothing’, I wish for the karma of having a dharma body without suffering.”
如何从先敬罗衣后敬人的偏执中,转变到福田衣、惭愧衣、忍辱衣方面求索,那不止可以涉及衣冠的美学, 更是佛教的一门大学问,其中包括多数人想不到的:最美丽的衣服竟然是囚衣!

四事供养是指以“衣”、“食”、“住”、“药”四种日常生活最基本之所需来资养佛、僧。 “衣”能解决蚊虫叮咬、 寒冷之苦,“食”能解决饥饿之苦,“住”能解决日晒雨淋、野兽侵犯之苦,“ 药”能解决疾病之苦。借助于这四 事供养,佛、僧得以安顿色身、增长道业并弘法利生。因此,当我们在完成四事供养时,其实就是在护持三 宝、护持佛教。

有了以上的认识之后,我们可以更进一步的拓宽对四事供养的理解:供养其实就是布施,对三宝、长辈、平 辈称之供养,对下辈称之布施。供养(布施)除了是一种美德,也是学佛者该有的修持;它除了能累积世间 的福报,也能成就出世间的智慧(布施波罗蜜)。因此,我们在供养时不应只限 于“衣”、“食”、“住”、“药”这四者,而是要看到供养除了物质上的财施,尚有非物质性的法施和精神层面的 无畏施,让自己朝向布施波罗蜜的完成(请参阅拙著《无坚不摧》之成就布施波罗蜜)。

“衣”梵语支缚罗(Cīvara),指的是僧伽梨、郁多罗僧、安陀会这三件衣和内衣、坐具、浴巾、披巾等。其中僧 伽梨、郁多罗僧、安陀会这三件衣要求染上不同于俗服的青、黄、赤、白、黑等的正色,而选用不纯的青、 黑、木兰这三种颜色(坏色),故名袈裟(Kaṣāya),为坏色义。僧伽梨是披衣,在缝制时,有至少九条长 格分布于衣,故又称九衣;郁多罗僧也是披衣,在缝制时,有七条长格分布于衣,故又称七衣;安陀会是下 裙,在缝制时,有五条长格分布于衣,故又称五衣。现今四事供养中的“衣供养”一般指的是供养袈裟。

又因僧众被称为福田僧,故僧人所披着之袈裟也称为福田衣;又因袈裟为求取解脱者所披,故也称为解脱 服;又因缝制袈裟之布有时源自丢弃于墓地的裹尸布或他人丢弃之秽布,故也称为粪扫衣。

袈裟覆体可以遮羞,如同惭愧之心可防诸恶生起,故袈裟也称为惭愧衣。又因袈裟也可免蚊虫叮咬、寒冷之 外苦,如同修道者忍辱之心,能防一切诸外障,故袈裟也称为忍辱衣,法华经法师品曰:‘如来衣者,柔和忍 辱心是也。’

依惭愧、忍辱二心,学佛者在供养“衣”时可如此思维而修:以“衣”庄严佛、僧色身,愿自己能有色身庄严之果 报;以“衣”去佛、僧色身被蚊虫叮咬、寒冷之外苦,愿自己能有无苦的法身之果报。

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